Thursday, January 10, 2008

In the Beginning...

Everything started someplace and my knitting life began with this spool knitter. I remember he was a Christmas present in the late 1940's. He used to have the word "Czechoslovakia" in blue stamped on the bottom. I made miles of knitted cord with him and quickly discovered that by working back and forth, rather than round and round, I could knit flat pieces. All my dolls had hats and dresses and coats of spool knitted fabric (embellished with feathers from the featherbed [by this time it had become pillows] my grandmother carried here from "the old country", but that's another story), my dollhouse had rugs and curtains. I found a ball of leftover yarn and knit yards and yards of the stuff which I used to make a border that I sewed around one of my sweaters. It got lots of looks and comments, I like to imagine they were all highly complimentary.
I have a small collection of knitting knobs, spools whatever you call them, and I have started this blog to share the information I have and, hopefully, to meet other collectors/enthusiasts and learn from them.


crazyhaberdasher said...

Hi Mary! This is Marian (spoolknitter in Australia). I love the vintage Czechoslovakia spool knitter. Lucky you to have been given it and better still to have it now. Do you remember if it came in a box? Apparently the safety staples in the top are an idea originated by Spear's Games in 1926 and followed by other toy companies.

A. Warped, knitter said...

Marian, I don't recall if it came in a box. I only know that it was a Christmas gift because, at one time, there was a photo of me in PJ's sitting by the Christmas tree knitting with it. I think that "Czechoslovakia" was hyphenated but the printing is unreadable now.

crazyhaberdasher said...

You know that it is one thing that I find very frustrating - so many of the spool knitters do not have the name of the company that made them anywhere on their "person". Some I have found with just their country of origin. It is good that you have an approx date for yours. I have a feeling that I might have one similar - I will have to check my stack of 6 plastic packing boxes that hold most of the collection - and if I have, I will put a tag on it with the approx. date. Thanks for posting about it! This is great!

crazyhaberdasher said...

Hello again! I have finally done something about a spool knitter group on Flickr. You are very welcome to join and share photos of your collection, and anything about spool knitters. It will I hope open up some areas regarding where certain spool knitters were made etc. The link is on my blog, right side column,....Happy Spooling!

crazyhaberdasher said...

Back again, I think that you might have clicked on "INVITATION" instead of "Spool Knitter Group"

crazyhaberdasher said...

Hi there! I haven't heard from you for a while, I hope all is okay.
I want to know if I can have permission to use this photo on my blog? looking forward to hearing from you, cheers, Marian

The Anarchist Who Also Happens To Knit said...

hey, why haven't you posted in a while? I periodically check back, and I'm always saddened by the lack of a post.